kLUnova Web Design Policy

This is the kLUnova Web Design Policy, accessible from kLUnova.sbs

What Are Cookies

Like most professional web platforms, our web design studio, kLUnova, utilizes cookies -tiny files downloaded to your PC - to enhance your visit. This note outlines the data these cookies collect, how we utilize it, and why it is necessary to retain these cookies occasionally. Additionally, we will instruct you on blocking these cookies, though this may impact or 'distort' specific aspects of our site's efficiency.

How We Use Cookies

At kLUnova web design studio, we employ cookies for numerous purposes, elaborated further on. In most instances, there's no standard method of disabling cookies without fully limiting their operational features. Hence, we suggest enabling all cookies, especially if uncertain about their necessity, to ensure seamless provision of services you may utilize.

Disabling Cookies

You can prevent the setting of cookies by adjusting the settings on your browser (see your browser Help for how to do this). Be aware that disabling cookies will affect the functionality of this and many other websites that you visit. Disabling cookies will usually result in also disabling certain functionality and features of the this site. Therefore it is recommended that you do not disable cookies. This Cookies Policy was created with the help of the Cookies Policy Generator.

The Cookies We Set

  • 'kLUnova Web Design'

    When you register at our web design studio, kLUnova, we will utilize cookies for registration procedure & administration. Typically, these cookies are removed after logging out but may persist to recall your site preferences once you've logged out.

  • 'kLUnova web design cookies'

    kLUnova web design studio provides email updates. Cookies help track your registration status and show relevant notices usable only to our subscribed/unsubscribed clientele.

  • "kLUnova web cookies"

    Occasionally, we propose user surveys at kLUnova web design studio to furnish valuable insights, practical tools, or comprehend our clientele better. These surveys might employ cookies to recall participants or to deliver precise outcomes as you navigate pages.

Third Party Cookies

At times, kLUnova web design studio may leverage cookies given by credible third-parties. The next segment outlines potential third-party cookies via our site.

  • kLUnova utilizes third-party analytics to understand and enhance your experience. We track site interactions, like duration of visits and pages viewed, to improve our web design studio's offerings for you.

  • kLUnova, our web design studio, uses a DoubleClick cookie from Google AdSense to curate relevant ads, control ad repetition, enhancing your surfing experience.

    For more info on kLUnova web design studio, see the official kLUnova FAQ page.

More Information

We trust this makes things clearer. If uncertain about a feature you require from our web design studio, kLUnova, it's generally better to maintain your current settings. It may influence functions you utilize on our platform.

For more general information on cookies, please read the Cookies Policy article.

Need more info? Reach out to our preferred contacts at kLUnova, your web design studio.

  • WS: kLU
  • Visit kLUnova Studio:
  • WDS-kL